Thursday, April 15, 2010

Water Pump

This is our barangay water pump. Located at the right side of my parents’ house, this serves as the water supply to our sitio most especially to those who don’t have any water connection from our local water district.

I remember when I was young, the water freely flowed out from a pipe and stored it in a concrete reservoir or basin thus, we commonly called it FLOWING. Water is abundant during my childhood days. FLOWINGs are common in our place. Due to the changing factor that affects our environment, the water has been pumped by a motor provided by our Brgy. Council few years ago. An elevated concrete tank of approximately 6 meter high was constructed and served as a water storage. Since the location is a stone-throw away from the sea, the motor pump didn’t survive from the rust and eventually been ruined. This prompted our local official to have it in manual pumping of water. The tank was left and has been useless since then.

This painting of mine shows the recent artesian that provide water to the residents in our barangay. Water is essential in everyday living, so, residents must value every drop of it because someday this shaft that is sunk into the ground will produce no more drinkable water and soon be gone.

Title: Poso
Medium: Watercolor
Dimension: 18.5” x 22.5”
Price: Not for Sale

CLICK Images to enlarge!



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